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Routine: ECX3129P


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  1. ECX3129P ;ALB/BP - ECX*3.0*129 Post-Init Rtn; 02/10/09
  1. ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**129**;Dec 22,1997;Build 8
  1. ;
  1. POST ;
  1. ;Rename DSS Test Names for some LOINC Codes
  1. ;Remove LOINC Codes
  1. ;Seed new LOINC Codes
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. RNMLNC ;Rename DSS Test Names for LOINC Codes
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" Updating DSS Test Names... ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. . S LOINC=$P(ECXSTR,"^",1)
  1. . S ECXIEN=+$O(^ECX(727.29,"B",LOINC,0))
  1. . S ECXDTN=$P(ECXSTR,"^",2)
  1. . I ECXIEN D
  1. .. N DIE,DA,DR
  1. .. S DIE="^ECX(727.29,",DA=ECXIEN,DR=".03///"_ECXDTN
  1. .. D ^DIE
  1. Q
  1. ;;30361-0^HIV Screening Antibody
  1. ;;31201-7^HIV Screening Antibody
  1. ;;7917-8^HIV Screening Antibody
  1. ;;7918-6^HIV Screening Antibody
  1. ;;7919-4^HIV Screening Antibody
  1. ;;29893-5^HIV Confirmatory Test
  1. ;;EXIT
  1. Q
  1. DELLNC ;Remove LOINC Codes
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" Removing entries to DSS LOINC CODES File (#727.29)...")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. ;
  1. F LOINC="5199-5","44873-8","5221-7","5225-8","14092-1" S ENTRY=+$O(^ECX(727.29,"B",LOINC,0)) I ENTRY D
  1. .S ECXTN=$$GET1^DIQ(727.29,ENTRY,".03")
  1. .I LOINC="5199-5",ECXTN'="Hepatitis C Antibody" D Q
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" Code "_LOINC_" not deleted from file")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" Patch may already have been installed, please verify ")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. .I LOINC'="5199-5",ECXTN'="HIV Antibody" D Q
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" Code "_LOINC_" not deleted from file")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" Patch may already have been installed, please verify ")
  1. ..D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. .S DA=ENTRY,DIK="^ECX(727.29," D ^DIK
  1. Q
  1. ADDLNC ;Add LOINC Codes
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" Adding entries to DSS LOINC CODES File (#727.29)...")
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" ")
  1. S CNT=0
  1. S DIC="^ECX(727.29,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=727.29
  1. . S X=$P(ECXSTR,"^",1)
  1. . D ^DIC I Y<0 D Q
  1. .. D BMES^XPDUTL("*****")
  1. .. D MES^XPDUTL("Unsuccessful entry of LOINC Code - "_X_".")
  1. .. D MES^XPDUTL("******")
  1. . S CNT=CNT+1
  1. . S ECXDN=$P(ECXSTR,"^",2)
  1. . S ECXDTN=$P(ECXSTR,"^",3)
  1. . S ECXDRU=$P(ECXSTR,"^",4)
  1. . S ECXLN=$P(ECXSTR,"^",5)
  1. . S DA=+Y,DR=".02///"_ECXDN_";.03///"_ECXDTN_";.04///"_ECXDRU_";.05///"_ECXLN
  1. . S DIE=DIC D ^DIE
  1. S DIK="^ECX(727.29,",DIK(1)=".02^AC" D ENALL^DIK
  1. K DIK
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ;;48070-7^0033^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface IgG Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;49177-9^0033^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;16129-9^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;22327-1^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5198-7^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;16936-7^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV IgG Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;40726-2^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV IgG Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;47365-2^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Ser Donr Ql EIA
  1. ;;47441-1^0034^Hepatitis C Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Ser Donr Ql
  1. ;;16975-5^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;21007-0^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab Ser Donr Ql
  1. ;;29327-4^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab Fld Ql
  1. ;;33807-9^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV2 IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;33866-5^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab BldC Ql EIA
  1. ;;34591-8^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab Fld Ql EIA
  1. ;;35437-3^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab Saliva Ql EIA
  1. ;;40733-8^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 IgG Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;41144-7^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab Saliva Ql
  1. ;;41145-4^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab BldC Ql
  1. ;;43010-8^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 Ab XXX Ql
  1. ;;42600-7^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 Ab XXX Ql EIA
  1. ;;43009-0^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;44533-8^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 Ab Ser Donr Ql
  1. ;;44607-0^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ser EIA-Imp
  1. ;;49580-4^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 Ab XXX Ql Rapid
  1. ;;49905-3^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab XXX Ql Rapid
  1. ;;53379-4^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 Ab XXX Ql
  1. ;;54086-4^0035^HIV Screening Antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HIV1 +2 IgG Bld.Dot Ql
  1. ;;10676-5^0037^HCV Quantitative by PCR^IU/ML^HCV RNA SerPl Amp Prb-aCnc
  1. ;;20416-4^0037^HCV Quantitative by PCR^IU/ML^HCV RNA # SerPl PCR
  1. ;;20571-6^0037^HCV Quantitative by PCR^IU/ML^HCV RNA # SerPl bDNA
  1. ;;49758-6^0037^HCV Quantitative by PCR^IU/ML^HCV RNA SerPl PCR DL=5-aCnc
  1. ;;50023-1^0037^HCV Quantitative by PCR^IU/ML^HCV RNA Pnl SerPl PCR
  1. ;;10351-5^0038^HIV Viral Load^COPIES/ML^HIV1 RNA SerPl Amp Prb-aCnc
  1. ;;24013-5^0038^HIV Viral Load^COPIES/ML^HIV1 RNA Ser-Imp
  1. ;;25836-8^0038^HIV Viral Load^COPIES/ML^HIV1 RNA # XXX PCR
  1. ;;5010-4^0039^HCV Qualitative by PCR^NEG-POS^HCV RNA Bld Ql PCR
  1. ;;14092-1^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Ser Ql IF
  1. ;;13499-9^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Patrn Ser IB-Imp
  1. ;;31073-0^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV2 Ab Patrn Ser IB-Imp
  1. ;;32571-2^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Ur Ql IB
  1. ;;33806-1^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV2 IgG Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;34592-6^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Fld Ql IB
  1. ;;35439-9^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Saliva Ql IB
  1. ;;40732-0^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 IgG Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;43185-8^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV 1 & 2 Ab Patrn Ser IB-Imp
  1. ;;44873-8^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 +2 Ab Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;5221-7^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV1 Ab Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;5225-8^0040^HIV Confirmatory Test^NEG-POS^HIV2 Ab Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;22312-3^0041^Hepatitis A AB^NEG-POS^Hep A Ab Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5183-9^0041^Hepatitis A AB^NEG-POS^Hep A AB Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;5184-7^0041^Hepatitis A AB^NEG-POS^Hep A AB Ser RIA-aCnc
  1. ;;53776-1^0041^Hepatitis A AB^NEG-POS^HAV IgM+total Ser-Imp
  1. ;;5181-3^0042^Hepatitis A IgM AB^NEG-POS^Hep A IgM ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;32685-0^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;22316-4^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5187-0^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;47440-3^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser Donr Ql
  1. ;;40725-4^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgG Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;51914-0^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgG+IgM Ser Ql
  1. ;;13919-6^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgG Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;21005-4^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser Donr EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;22317-2^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser Donr-aCnc
  1. ;;22318-0^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgG Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5188-8^0046^Hepatitis B Core AB^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core Ab Ser RIA-aCnc
  1. ;;29771-3^0055^Occult Blood, Fecal^NEG-POS^Occult Bld Stl Ql Imm
  1. ;;57905-2^0055^Occult Blood, Fecal^NEG-POS^Occult Bld sp1 Stl Ql Imm
  1. ;;56490-6^0055^Occult Blood, Fecal^NEG-POS^Occult Bld sp2 Stl Ql Imm
  1. ;;56491-4^0055^Occult Blood, Fecal^NEG-POS^Occult Bld sp3 Stl Ql Imm
  1. ;;26515-7^0077^Platelet Count^COUNT/VOLUME OR K/MM3^Platelet # Bld
  1. ;;777-3^0077^Platelet Count^COUNT/VOLUME OR K/MM3^Platelet # Bld Auto
  1. ;;5907-1^0077^Platelet Count^COUNT/VOLUME OR K/MM3^Deprecated Platelet # Bld Auto
  1. ;;14723-1^0078^Ferritin^NL/ML OR UG/L OR MOL/L OR NMOL/ML^Ferritin Ser-sCnc
  1. ;;2276-4^0078^Ferritin^NL/ML OR UG/L OR MOL/L OR NMOL/ML^Ferritin Ser-mCnc
  1. ;;24373-3^0078^Ferritin^NL/ML OR UG/L OR MOL/L OR NMOL/ML^Ferritin Bld-mCnc
  1. ;;20567-4^0078^Ferritin^nl/NL/ML OR UG/L OR MOL/L OR NMOL/ML^Ferritin Ser EIA-mCnc
  1. ;;4092-3^0079^Vancomycin, Trough^MCG/ML^Vancomycin Tr SerPl-mCnc
  1. ;;16935-9^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;21006-2^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Ser Donr EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;22323-0^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Ser Donr-aCnc
  1. ;;32019-2^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Titr Ser
  1. ;;5193-8^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;5194-6^0080^Hepatitis B Surface Antibody^MIU/ML^HBV surface Ab Ser RIA-aCnc
  1. ;;47364-5^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Ser Donr Ql EIA
  1. ;;50967-9^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Bld Donr Ql Nt
  1. ;;5195-3^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Ser Ql
  1. ;;5196-1^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;5197-9^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Ser Ql RIA
  1. ;;7905-3^0081^Hepatitis B Surface Antigen^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV surface Ag Ser Ql Nt
  1. ;;24113-3^0082^Hepatitis B core antibody IgM^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgM Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;31204-1^0082^Hepatitis B core antibody IgM^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV core IgM Ser Ql
  1. ;;22319-8^0083^Hepatitis B core antibody IgM - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV core IgM Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5185-4^0083^Hepatitis B core antibody IgM - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV core IgM Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;5186-2^0083^Hepatitis B core antibody IgM - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV core IgM Ser RIA-aCnc
  1. ;;13953-5^0084^Hepatitis B e antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV e Ab Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;22320-6^0084^Hepatitis B e antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV e Ab Ser Ql
  1. ;;33463-1^0084^Hepatitis B e antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV e IgG Ser Ql EIA
  1. ;;41151-2^0084^Hepatitis B e antibody^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV e IgG Ser Ql
  1. ;;22321-4^0085^Hepatitis B e antibody - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV e Ab Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;5189-6^0085^Hepatitis B e antibody - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV e Ab Ser EIA-aCnc
  1. ;;5190-4^0085^Hepatitis B e antibody - Qt^MIU/ML^HBV e Ab Ser RIA-aCnc
  1. ;;11258-1^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA Ser-aCnc
  1. ;;20442-0^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA # Ser bDNA
  1. ;;23869-1^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA Ser Prb-mCnc
  1. ;;29615-2^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA # SerPl PCR
  1. ;;29900-8^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA Ser bDNA-mCnc
  1. ;;32686-8^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA Ser-mCnc
  1. ;;42595-9^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA SerPl PCR-aCnc
  1. ;;47216-7^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA # SerPl PCR DL=200
  1. ;;48650-6^0086^Hepatitis B virus DNA^COPIES/ML^HBV DNA # SerPl PCR DL=500
  1. ;;5007-0^0087^Hepatitis B virus DNA - QUAL^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV DNA Bld Ql PCR
  1. ;;13126-8^0087^Hepatitis B virus DNA - QUAL^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV DNA Bld Ql IB
  1. ;;16934-2^0087^Hepatitis B virus DNA - QUAL^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV DNAp Bld Ql PCR
  1. ;;29610-3^0087^Hepatitis B virus DNA - QUAL^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HBV DNA SerPl Ql PCR
  1. ;;32286-7^0088^Hepatitis C genotype^TEXT^HCV Gentyp SerPl PCR
  1. ;;48574-8^0088^Hepatitis C genotype^TEXT^HCV Gentyp Bld PCR
  1. ;;24011-9^0089^Hepatitis C (RIBA)^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Patrn Ser IB-Imp
  1. ;;33462-3^0089^Hepatitis C (RIBA)^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV IgG Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;34162-8^0089^Hepatitis C (RIBA)^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV IgG Patrn Ser IB-Imp
  1. ;;5199-5^0089^Hepatitis C (RIBA)^NEG-POS/NON-REAC-REAC^HCV Ab Ser Ql IB
  1. ;;EXIT
  1. Q
  1. ;