Source file <LAXSYMBL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BLDLST | ; Build the worklist in prep for dwnlding to AxSYM
; Called from LADOWN with the following set: ; LRLL = load list pointer ; LRCUP1 = starting cup # ; LRTRAY,LRTRAY1 = starting tray # ; LRINST = Auto Instrument pointer ; LRFORCE = 1 if send tray and cup |
GETACCN | ; Get and save work/load list data to downlaod to AxSYM
PNM | ; Get patient name and last 4 from an accession.
FRAME | ; Build frame to transmit to AxSYM (stored in ^LA(INST,"O",CNT) nodes)
H() | ; Build hdr frame
P() | ; Build Patient frame
O() | ; Build Order frame NOTE:
; a. 10 chars is size limit for rev 1.xx 15 will be limit for rev 2 ; b. Potential for REPEAT (multiple) tests to cause the Order frame ; to exceed 247 chars! However, if the AxSYM doesn't offer more ; than about 25 tests, this should not be a problem. |
L() | ; Build Last (termination) frame
PNL() | ; Expand panel from load/work list
ERR | ; Error Trap