MAGDHLS ;WOIFO/MLH/JSL/SAF/PMK - IHE-based ADT interface for PACS - segments ;13 Sep 2018 3:55 PM
Source file <MAGDHLS.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
AL1(XDFN,XYMSG) | ; patient allergies
; input: XDFN internal entry number of the patient on global ^DPT ; XYMSG name of array to which to add message elts ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing EVN elts ; function return 0 (success) always |
DG1(XDFN,XYMSG) | ; FUNCTION - diagnosis
; input: XDFN internal entry number of the patient on global ^DPT ; XYMSG name of array to which to add message elts ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing EVN elts ; function return 0 (success) always |
; input: XEVENT trigger event code ; XEVNRDT date/time the event was recorded (FM format) ; XEVNODT date/time the event occurred (FM format) ; XYMSG name of array to which to add message elts ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing EVN elts ; function return 0 (success) always ; |
MRG(XMRGSSN,XYMSG) | ; FUNCTION - update SSN - P183 PMK 3/10/17
; input: XMRGSSN Previous value of SSN ; XYMSG name of array to which to add MRG segment ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing MRG elts ; function return 0 (success) always ; |
PID(XDFN,XYMSG) | ; FUNCTION - patient ID/demo
; input: XDFN internal entry number of the pt on gbl ^DPT ; XYMSG name of array to which to add message elts ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing PID elts ; function return 0 (success) always |
ROL(XDFN,XYMSG) | ; FUNCTION role (for physicians) - propagate from PV1
; assumes PV1 segment is already populated ; ; input: XDFN internal entry number of the pt on gbl ^DPT ; XYMSG name of array to which to add message elts ; output: @XYMSG input array plus new subtree containing PID elts ; function return 0 (success) always |