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Routine: MDHL7U2

Package: Clinical Procedures

Routine: MDHL7U2


MDHL7U2 ; HOIFO/WAA -Utilities for CP PROCESSING OBX text ; 7/26/00

Source Information

Source file <MDHL7U2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GET123(MDD702) ; return the IEN for an entry in 123 based on the 702
; This subroutine will return -1 if no entry is found
GETREF(CONSULT) ; Return the physician and pointer to 200
; in the format pointer200^last^first
MG(MG) ; This function is to validate that a mailgroup
; and that there is someone in it
INST(DEV,X) ; Process Device and determine if the device Functioning
; DEV = Name of the device from the .01 field
; X = 1 is true that the device cleared to process
; 0 is false the device is not allowed to process
; X(0) = The device name^IEN^Print name if one^
; Processing routine^Routine Checksum^Patch Level
; X(I) = The reasons why it is OR is not allowed to process
VALRTN(RTN) ; Function to check Validity
SAVE(TEXT) ; Save the data to the file 703.1
PROCESS(TEXT) ; Long lines
FTOHL7(DATE) ; This subroutine will make a file manager date an HL7 date

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^GMR(123 - [#123] GET1^DIQ
^XMB(3.8 - [#3.8] FIND1^DIC,  GET1^DIQ
^MDD(702 - [#702] GET1^DIQ
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