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Routine: OOPSUTL1

Package: Asists

Routine: OOPSUTL1


OOPSUTL1 ;HINES/WAA-Utilities Routines ;3/24/98

Source Information

Source file <OOPSUTL1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EMP(IEN,SSN,OPEN) ; DIC filter for Employee enter edit
WS ; The following 4 subroutines are added with Patch 8 - DOL project
; Sets the "W" xref. A routine call is used to prevent the inadvertent
; re-indexing of xref. Xref is used for determining which records
; should be included in transmission of claims to DOL. When the record
; is placed in a Mailman message (WC xref set) this xref is killed.
; Variables
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent
; re-indexing of ^OOPS(2260,"AW",X,IEN)
; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260
; X = field 67 (DUZ)
WK ; Kills the "AW" xref. See above as reason for manually setting
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent reindex
; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260
; X = field 67, file 2260 = DUZ
WCS ; Sets the "AWC" xref. A routine call is used to prevent inadvertent
; re-indexing of the xref. Xref is used for determining which records
; were included in Mailman messages that transmitted claims to DOL
; Variables
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent
; re-indexing of ^OOPS(2260,"AW",DUZ,IEN)
; IEN = record ID file 2260
; X = field 66 - Date Transmitted to DOL
WCK ; Kills the "AWC" xref. See above as reason for manually setting
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent reindex
; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260
; X = field 66 - Date Transmitted to DOL
OPEN(IEN,OPEN) ; Determine if record is open
EDSTA(IEN,CALLER) ; Gives the status of form to allows the user to
EDSEL(IEN,CALLER) ; Allow you to select the form part to edit
CLRES(IEN,CALLER,FORM) ; Clean out electronic SIG
PAID(IEN,FLD) ; Get the data value from the PAID file (#450), if employee
; Input - IEN internal entry number of case in file 2260
; - FLD the PAID field number to retrieve
; - NAME Name of Person Involved, used to get PAID IEN
; - VAL Data value from the PAID #450, field #FLD
; Output - DESC Description from Paid, if there
PAYP(PAY) ; Map PAID Pay Plan to higher category for DOL project

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF,!!,?10,"Select Forms: "
  • Line Location: EDSEL+15
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?20,CNT,") Form 2162"
  • Line Location: EDSEL+16
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?20,CNT,") ",$S($P(EEFORM,U)=1:"Edit",1:"Enter")," form CA1 (Injury)"
  • Line Location: EDSEL+17
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?20,CNT,") ",$S($P(EEFORM,U,2)=1:"Edit",1:"Enter")," form CA2 (Illness)"
  • Line Location: EDSEL+18
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Your ES has been cleared. You will need to resign.",!
  • Line Location: CLRES+40

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] GET1^DIQ
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