OOPSUTL1 ;HINES/WAA-Utilities Routines ;3/24/98
Source file <OOPSUTL1.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EMP(IEN,SSN,OPEN) | ; DIC filter for Employee enter edit
WS | ; The following 4 subroutines are added with Patch 8 - DOL project
; Sets the "W" xref. A routine call is used to prevent the inadvertent ; re-indexing of xref. Xref is used for determining which records ; should be included in transmission of claims to DOL. When the record ; is placed in a Mailman message (WC xref set) this xref is killed. ; Variables ; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent ; re-indexing of ^OOPS(2260,"AW",X,IEN) ; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260 ; X = field 67 (DUZ) |
WK | ; Kills the "AW" xref. See above as reason for manually setting
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent reindex ; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260 ; X = field 67, file 2260 = DUZ |
WCS | ; Sets the "AWC" xref. A routine call is used to prevent inadvertent
; re-indexing of the xref. Xref is used for determining which records ; were included in Mailman messages that transmitted claims to DOL ; Variables ; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent ; re-indexing of ^OOPS(2260,"AW",DUZ,IEN) ; IEN = record ID file 2260 ; X = field 66 - Date Transmitted to DOL |
WCK | ; Kills the "AWC" xref. See above as reason for manually setting
; WOK = set in OOPSWCE, used to prevent inadvertent reindex ; IEN = uses IEN for DA of file 2260 ; X = field 66 - Date Transmitted to DOL |
OPEN(IEN,OPEN) | ; Determine if record is open
EDSTA(IEN,CALLER) | ; Gives the status of form to allows the user to
EDSEL(IEN,CALLER) | ; Allow you to select the form part to edit
CLRES(IEN,CALLER,FORM) | ; Clean out electronic SIG
PAID(IEN,FLD) | ; Get the data value from the PAID file (#450), if employee
; Input - IEN internal entry number of case in file 2260 ; - FLD the PAID field number to retrieve ; - NAME Name of Person Involved, used to get PAID IEN ; - VAL Data value from the PAID #450, field #FLD ; Output - DESC Description from Paid, if there |
PAYP(PAY) | ; Map PAID Pay Plan to higher category for DOL project
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Routine Call |
Routine Call |
Routine Call |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] | GET1^DIQ |
^PRSPC - [#450] | FIND^DIC, GET1^DIQ |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] | WS+14*, WK+11, WK+12!, WCS+13*, WCS+16, WCS+17!, WCK+8!, OPEN+4, OPEN+5, OPEN+6 , CLRES+32, CLRES+33, CLRES+34, CLRES+37*, CLRES+42*, CLRES+48, CLRES+49* |
^TMP("DILIST" | PAID+12, PAID+13, PAID+14 |
Name | Line Occurrences |
$$EDSTA | EDSEL+13 |
$$OPEN | EMP+13 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
ACCD | EDSTA+28~ |
CA1 | EDSTA+28~ |
CA2 | EDSTA+28~ |
CALL | CLRES+16~, CLRES+30*, CLRES+31, CLRES+33, CLRES+34 |
CNT | EDSEL+10~, EDSEL+11*, EDSEL+16*, EDSEL+17*, EDSEL+18*, EDSEL+19, EDSEL+24 |
DESC | PAID+7~, PAID+8*, PAID+15*, PAID+16 |
>> DIERR | PAID+11 |
DIR | EDSEL+22~ |
DIR("A" | EDSEL+23* |
DIR(0 | EDSEL+24* |
>> DOL | CLRES+38, CLRES+46 |
FIELD | CLRES+16~, CLRES+29*, CLRES+37 |
FLD | PAID~, PAID+15 |
FLG | CLRES+16~, CLRES+18*, CLRES+33*, CLRES+34*, CLRES+36*, CLRES+38 |
FORM | EDSEL+12*, EDSEL+16*, EDSEL+17*, EDSEL+18*, EDSEL+26, CLRES~, CLRES+17, CLRES+22, CLRES+23, CLRES+24 , CLRES+26, CLRES+36, CLRES+46 |
>> I | EDSTA+33*, EDSTA+34, EDSEL+26*, CLRES+37* |
IEN | EMP~, EMP+13, EMP+14, EMP+16, EMP+17, EMP+19, WS+11, WS+14, WK+6, WK+12 , WCS+10, WCS+13, WCS+17, WCK+5, WCK+8, OPEN~, OPEN+4, OPEN+5, OPEN+6, EDSTA~ , EDSTA+34, EDSTA+38, EDSTA+39, EDSEL~, EDSEL+13, EDSEL+14, CLRES~, CLRES+32, CLRES+33, CLRES+34 , CLRES+37, CLRES+42, CLRES+48, CLRES+49, PAID~, PAID+9, PAID+13 |
IEN450 | PAID+7~, PAID+14*, PAID+15 |
INC | EMP+15~, EMP+17*, EMP+18 |
IOF | EDSEL+15 |
LINE | EDSTA+31~, EDSTA+32*, EDSTA+34*, EDSTA+36 |
LP | PAID+7~, PAID+8*, PAID+12*, PAID+13, PAID+14 |
>> MSG("DIHELP" | WS+12*, WK+7*, WCS+11*, WCK+6* |
NAME | PAID+7~, PAID+9*, PAID+10 |
NODE | CLRES+16~, CLRES+28*, CLRES+32, CLRES+33, CLRES+34, CLRES+37 |
OPEN | EMP~, EMP+12*, EMP+13, OPEN~, OPEN+2*, OPEN+5, OPEN+6 |
PPLAN | PAYP+6~, PAYP+7*, PAYP+8 |
RECORD | CLRES+47~, CLRES+48*, CLRES+49* |
SEC | EDSEL+10~, EDSEL+12*, EDSEL+14*, EDSEL+17, EDSEL+18 |
SELECT | EDSTA+28~, EDSTA+29*, EDSTA+36*, EDSTA+38*, EDSTA+39*, EDSTA+40, EDSEL+10~, EDSEL+12*, EDSEL+26*, EDSEL+27 |
SIG | EMP+15~, EMP+16*, EMP+18, CLRES+16~, CLRES+21*, CLRES+22*, CLRES+23*, CLRES+24*, CLRES+26*, CLRES+27 , CLRES+28, CLRES+29 |
SSN | EMP~, EMP+14 |
U | EMP+18, OPEN+5, OPEN+6, EDSTA+34, EDSTA+36, EDSTA+38, EDSTA+39, EDSEL+17, EDSEL+18, EDSEL+26 , CLRES+33, CLRES+34, CLRES+37, CLRES+42, CLRES+49, PAID+13, PAID+14 |
VIEW | EMP+10~, EMP+11*, EMP+18*, EMP+19*, EMP+21, OPEN+1~, OPEN+3*, OPEN+4, OPEN+5*, OPEN+6* , OPEN+7 |
WCDUZ | WK+4~, WK+10*, WK+11*, WK+12, WCS+8~, WCS+15*, WCS+16*, WCS+17 |
>> WOK | WS+10, WK+5, WCS+9, WCK+4 |
>> X | WS+14, WCS+13, WCK+8 |
Y | EDSEL+10~, EDSEL+19*, EDSEL+26 |