OOPSUTL6 ;WOIFO/LLH-Utilities Routines ;11/21/00
Source file <OOPSUTL6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
VERIFY(IEN) | ; Verify Employee data has not been altered since thier signing
CA1SUM() | ; Calculate Checksum for CA1 for all employee fields on page 1
CA2SUM() | ; Calculate Checksum for CA2
VALEMP() | ; check to make sure claim is ok to send to DOL if pay plan = "OT"
; this subroutine assumes that the variable FORM will be defined |
WP | ;Process Word Processing Fields
FileNo | Call Tags |
^OOPS(2260 - [#2260] | GET1^DID, GET1^DIQ |
^PRSPC - [#450] | FIND^DIC, GET1^DIQ |