PRCAP378 ;EDE/SAB - PRCA*4.5*378 POST INSTALL;02/11/21
Source file <PRCAP378.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; entry point
UPCAT | ; update field 1.06 in the AR Category file for "NURSING HOME PROCEEDS" category
UPDPAR | ; update field .16 in the AR SITE PARAMETER file
UPDAUTO | ;Update the Auto Add Field to set all active plans to Yes
UPDBILL | ; Update all billes associated with a new RPP that is in a closed state, but RPP info is still in the bill.
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCRP(340.5 - [#340.5] | Classic Fileman Calls, GET1^DIQ |
^PRCA(430 - [#430] | Classic Fileman Calls |