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Routine: RCDPEDS

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: RCDPEDS


RCDPEDS ;ALB/TMK/DWA - Display EEOB detail from receipt ;07/30/10

Source Information

Source file <RCDPEDS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DISP(RCTDA) ; Display EEOB detail/raw data from file 344.4
; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.4 to display
; Returns global ^TMP("$J,"RCDISP")
; RCTDA = ien of record in file 344.4
; RCCT = line counter, updated if passed by ref
; RC34441 = ien of seq # in file 344.41
; RC0 = the data on the 0-node of the sequence entry in file 344.41
SEQHDR(RCTDA,RC34441,RCCT) ; Extract header data from sequence record
; RCTDA = ien of record in file 344.4
; RC34441 = ien of seq # in file 344.41
; RCCT = line counter, updated if passed by ref
; Returns line # incremented and ^TMP($J,"RCDISP" array
GETERR(RCIEN,Z) ; Extract error messages from entry RCIEN in file 361.1
; Z = the last line # in the ^TMP("PRCA_EOB",$J,RCIEN,n array
; Function returns error lines from file #361.1 in the
; ^TMP("PRCA_EOB",$J,RCIEN,n array in subscripts at the end of the
; array
SUM(RCTDA,RCCT) ; Extract pertinent top-level data
; RCTDA = ien of record in file 344.4
; RCCT = line counter, updated if passed by ref
DIQ34441(RCTDA,RC0,DR,ARR) ; DIQ call to retrieve data for DR fields in
; file 344.41
DIQ3444(DA,DR,ARR) ; DIQ call to retrieve data for DR fields in file 344.41

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] Classic Fileman Calls
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