Source file <RCDPELA1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
RPTOUT(INPUT) | ; Output the report to paper/screen, listman or excel
; Input: INPUT - See REPORT for a complete description ; ^TMP($J,A1,"SEL",A2,A3,A4,A5)="" - if record passed filters Where: ; A1 - "RCDPE_LAR" ; A2 - Uppercased Payer Name (primary sort) ; A3 - Secondary Sort Value ; A4 - Internal IEN for file 344.4 ; A5 - Internal IEN for file 344.41 ; Output: ^TMP("RCDPE_LAR",$J,CTR)=Line - Array of display lines (no headers) ; for output to Listman ; Only set when A7-1 |
ZEROBAL(IEN3444) | ||
ONEDLN(OUTYPE,IEN3444,IEN34441,ONEERA) | ; Gather all of the ERA Detail lines to display
; one ERA record ; Input: OUTYPE - O - Output to Screen or paper ; 1 - Output to Listman ; 2 - Output to Excel ; IEN3444 - Internal IEN for file 344.4 ; IEN34441 - Internal IEN for sub file 344.41 of the ERA detail ; line being processed ; ONEERA - A1^A2^A3^A4 Where: ; A1 - Current Number of lines in the ERA display ; A2 - ERA Total for the ERA (formatted) ; A3 - Current Receipt Total for the ERA (formatted) ; A4 - 1 if ERA contains at least one detail record ; with a missing receipt. ; 0 otherwise ; ONEERA(LN)=A4- Where ; LN - Line number for ERA Display ; A4 - Actual display line ; Ouput: ONEERA - A1^A2^A3^A4 Where: ; A1 - Updated Number of lines in the ERA display ; A2 - ERA Total for the ERA (formatted) ; A3 - Updated Receipt Total for the ERA (formatted) ; A4 - 1 if ERA contains at least one detail record ; with a missing receipt. ; 0 otherwise ; ONEERA(LN)=A4- Where ; LN - Line number for ERA Display ; A4 - Actual display line |
ADDERAH(OUTYPE,ONEERA,IEN3444) | ; Add the header lines to ERA output array
; Input: OUTYPE - O - Output to Screen or paper ; 1 - Output to Listman ; 2 - Output to Excel ; ONEERA - A1^A2^A3^A4 Where: ; A1 - Number of lines in the ERA display ; A2 - Total Receipt amount for the ERA (formatted) ; A3 - Total Amount paid for the ERA (formatted) ; A4 - 1 if ERA contains at least one detail record ; with a missing receipt. ; 0 otherwise ; ONEERA(LN)=A4- Where ; LN - Line number for ERA Display ; A4 - Actual display line ; IEN3444 - Internal IEN for file 344.4 ; Ouput: ONEERA - Receipt Total Formatted, ERA Lines 1-4 added |
OUTERA(INPUT,OUTYPE,PAYER,ONEERA,LNCNT,PAGE) | ; Output the display lines for one ERA
; Input: INPUT - See REPORT for a complete description ; OUTYPE - O - Output to Screen or paper ; 1 - Output to Listman ; 2 - Output to Excel ; PAYER - Payer Name ; ONEERA - Array of lines to display for one ERA ; LNCNT - Current Line Count ; PAGE - Current Page Count ; Output: LNCNT - Updated Line Count ; PAGE - Updated Page Count ; A9 - Part of Input above ; Updated Line counter for Listman Output ; ^TMP("RCDPE_LAR",$J,CTR)=Line - Array of display lines (no headers) ; for output to Listman ; Only set when A7-1 ; Returns: 1 if user quit, 0 otherwise |
HEADER(INPUT,LNCNT,PAGE) | ; Display a Page Header
; Input: INPUT - See REPORT for a complete description ; LNCNT - Current Line Count ; PAGE - Current Page Count ; Output: LNCNT - Updated Line Count ; PAGE - Updated Page Count |
HDRLN2(INPUT) | ; Build the 2nd header line
; Input: INPUT - See REPORT for a complete description ; Returns: Text for 2nd header line |
HDRLN3(INPUT) | ; Build the 2nd header line
; Input: INPUT - A1^A2^A3^...^An Where: ; A1 - 1 - All divisions selected ; 2 - Selected divisions ; A2 - 1 - Filter by Auto-Post date range ; 2 - Filter by ERA Date Received date range ; A3 - B1|B2 - Where: ; B1 - ERA Date Received Start Date if A2=2 ; Auto-Post Start Date of A2=1 ; B2 - ERA Date Received End Date if A2=2 ; Auto-Post End Date of A2=1 ; A4 - 1 - Posted/Completed Receipts ; 2 - Only ERAs with Missing Receipts ; 3 - Both Posted/Completed and Missing Receipts ; A5 - 1 - All insurance companies selected ; 2 - Selected insurance companies chosen ; A6 - 1 - Auto-Post Date/ERA Date Received Sort ; 2 - Payer sort ; 3 - Missing Receipts ; A7 - 0 - Do not display in a listman template ; 1 - Display in a listman template ; A8 - 0 - Output to paper ; 1 - Output to Excel ; A9 - Line counter for Listman output ; A10 - M/P/T/A - Medical/Pharmacy/tricare/CHAMPVA/All ; Returns: Text for 2nd header line |
ERAHDR(PAYER,LNCNT,PAGE) | ; Display ERA Header Lines
; Input: PAYER - Payer Name ; LNCNT - Current Line Count ; PAGE - Current Page Count ; Output: LNCNT - Updated Line Count ; PAGE - Updated Page Count |
ERAHDR2() | ; Build the 2nd ERA header line
; Input: None ; Returns: Text for 2nd ERA header line |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344 - [#344] | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] | GET1^DIQ |
344.41 | GET1^DIQ |
344.491 | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344.72 - [#344.72] | GET1^DIQ |