RCDPESR0 ;ALB/TMK/DWA - Server auto-update utilities - EDI Lockbox ; 9/30/10 6:05pm
Source file <RCDPESR0.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DISP(RCMIN,RCMOUT,RCFMT,RCFULL,RCW,RC3444) | ; Format the 835 return msg
; RCMIN = the name of the array that contains the raw message data ; The data is contained at the next level and the subscript is ; numeric and greater than 0 or the data can be at the ; 0-node subsequent to the final subscript. ; If the message array is a global ^TMP($J,"MSG",n), RCMIN ; will equal "^TMP($J,""MSG"")" and the message text will be ; in ^TMP($J,"MSG",1), ^TMP($J,"MSG",2), etc. OR ; the message text can be defined at TMP($J,"MSG",1,0) ^...,2,0) ; etc. ; RCMOUT = the name of the array that should be returned. This array ; will follow the same convention as the input array. The ; array will be returned with a numeric final subscript. If ; RCMOUT is passed as "^TMP($J,""MSG1"")", then the display ; lines will be returned in ^TMP($J,"MSG1",1), ; ^TMP($J,"MSG1",2), etc. Note the array RCMOUT is killed ; on entry to this call ; RCFMT = 0 or null if call should return raw data, 1 to execute the ; transforms attached to the fields ; RCFULL = the name of an array if the data should be returned in ; this array, formatted into lines for display. If not sent, ; only the display data by element is returned in RCMOUT. If ; RCFULL is sent, the array is killed before populating it ; RCW = max # of characters per line to return in array RCFULL ; RC3444 = flag that indicates only return bill data, not header data |
FMTDSP(RCMUN,RCMFO,RCW,RCNOH05) | ; Format the display data in array named in
; RCMUN into lines up to RCW characters wide RCMUN must be set up the ; same as the output of the DISP call above ; Returns array named in RCMFO with the last subscript being the line # ; Note @RCMFO is killed on entry to this call ; Default is 80 if RCW=0 or null ; RCNOH05 = flag that if =1, suppresses the '05' header |
BULLERA(RC,RCTDA,RCXMG,RCSUBJ,RCERR,RCTYP) | ; Send a bulletin for entries in 344.5
; RC = flags for data to include (one or more can can be used) ; 'D': display text 'R': raw data 'F': formatted data from raw ; data in file 344.5 ; RCTDA = ien of the entry in file 344.5 ; RCXMG = mail msg # for the ERA ; RCSUBJ = subject of the bulletin ; RCERR = error text in array or name of error global ; RCTYP = if 0:ERA 1:EEOB |
BULLEFT(RCTDA,RCXMG,RCSUBJ,RCERR) | ; Send a bulletin for 'bad' EFT entries
; RCTDA = ien of the entry in file 344.3 ; RCXMG = mail msg # for the EFT ; RCSUBJ = subject of the bulletin ; RCERR = error text in array |
DTXT(RCTDA,RCXM,RCNT) | ; Add display text to array RCXM(CT)
; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.5 ; Send RCNT and RCXM by reference for return values |
BILLREF(RC3444,RC34441) | ; Returns the bill # for the EOB in file 344.4, entry
; number RC3444 and subfile entry RC34441 |
GETBILL(DA) | ; Called from computed field to find bill reference
; Assumes DA(1)= ien of file 344.4, DA = ien of file 344.41 |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCY(344.5 - [#344.5] | GETS^DIQ |