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Routine: RCDPEX31

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: RCDPEX31



Source Information

Source file <RCDPEX31.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
UPD ; Try to update the IB EOB file from exception in 344.41
; Remove any existing Data Exception for any EOBs of the specified ERA
; Input: ERA - ERA to removed data exceptions from
; REASON - Reason ERA was removed from the worklist
; NOMESS - 1 to not display locked warning message, 0 otherwise
; optiona, defaults to 0
DEL ; Delete exception conditions from EOB detail list - file 344.4
DEL2(RCTDA,RCTDA1,REASON) ; Unflag the EOB as a data exception
; PRCA*4.5*409 This is a new method that was previously part of th DEL method above
; It was broken out so that it could be called by new method REMEXC
; to unflag a data exception without any messages to the screen or user input
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB to be unflagged
; RCTDA1 - IEN of the EOB to be unflagged
; REASON - Reason why the EOB was unflagged
DELQ ; Unlock EOB (if locked) and refresh the listman screen
TXT0(RCTDA,RCDIQ,RCXM1,RC) ; Append 0-node captioned data to array RCXM1
; which is then used to populate the body of a mailman message which
; contains the detail of which EOB was unflagged
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB that is being unflagged
; RCDIQ - Array of fields from ^RCY(344.4,RCTDA)
; RCXM1 - Current Array of text
; RC - Current line counter for the RCXM1 array
; Output: RCXM1 - Updated Array of text
; RC - Updated line counter for the RCXM1 array
TXT00(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCDIQ1,RCXM1,RC) ; Extract 0-node data for file 344.41
; which is then used to populate the body of a mailman message which
; contains the detail of which EOB was unflagged
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB that is being unflagged
; RCTDA1 - EOB IEN of the EOB that is being unflagged
; RCDIQ1 - Array of fields from EOB subfile 344.4
; RCXM1 - Current Array of text
; RC - Current line counter for the RCXM1 array
; Output: RCXM1 - Updated Array of text
; RC - Updated line counter for the RCXM1 array
TXT2(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCDIQ2,RCXM1,RC) ; Extract all data from subfile ^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,2,0)
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB that is being unflagged
; RCTDA1 - EOB IEN of the EOB that is being unflagged
; RCDIQ2 - Array of fields from ^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,2,0)
; RCXM1 - Current Array of text
; RC - Current line counter for the RCXM1 array
; Output: RCXM1 - Updated Array of text
; RC - Updated line counter for the RCXM1 array
LOCK(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCSHH) ; Attempt to lock file entry in file 344.41
; Return 1 if successful, 0 if not able to lock
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB line being locked
; RCTDA1 - EOB IEN of the EOB line being locked
; RCSHH - Optiona1, 1 if there should be no direct writes
STORACT(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCWHY) ; Store the detail for the action taken for
; the exception record at ^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA,0)
; Input: RCTDA - ERA IEN of the EOB line being locked
; RCTDA1 - EOB IEN of the EOB line being locked
; RCWHY(#)- Lines containing the reason/explanation for the action
; RCWHY(1)- Should contain the description of the action taken
; It will be appended to the first line of the message after
; the date and user who made the change.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"EEOB cannot be filed in IB"_$S($P($G(^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0)),U,7)=1:" - the bill # is invalid",1:"")
  • Line Location: UPD+8
Function Call: WRITE
  • Line Location: UPD+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,*7,"Warning: Not all of the data exceptions could be removed."
  • Line Location: REMEXC+25
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Please manually remove any remaining data exceptions for this ERA."
  • Line Location: REMEXC+26
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: DEL+8
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"A MailMan message has been sent to report this action.",!
  • Line Location: DEL+24
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,*7,"Another user is editing this entry ... please try again later"
  • Line Location: LOCK+11

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] GET1^DID,  GETS^DIQ
344.42 GET1^DID
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