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Routine: SCAPMC11

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SCAPMC11


SCAPMC11 ;ALB/REW - Team API's: PTTP ; JUN 30, 1995

Source Information

Source file <SCAPMC11.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PTTP(SCTP,SCDATES,SCLIST,SCERR) ; -- list of patient team position assignments
; input:
; SCTP = ien of TEAM POSITION [required]
; SCDATES("BEGIN") = begin date to search (inclusive)
; [default: TODAY]
; ("END") = end date to search (inclusive)
; [default: TODAY]
; ("INCL") = 1: only use patients who were assigned to
; position for entire date range
; 0: anytime in date range
; [default: 1]
; SCLIST -array name to store list
; [ex. ^TMP("SCPT",$J)]
; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages.
; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)]
; SCPTTPA - ien of patient team position assignment file #404.43
; SCEFFDT - negative of effective date
; SCN - current subscript (counter) 1->n
; SCPTTPA0 - IS 0 node of Pt Team Pos Assnt(404.43) 1st piece:pt tm ass
; this builds the array:
; sclist(1->n)=sc2^ptname^effdt^inactdt
; for each scpta zero node passed to it
OKDATA() ;check/setup variables
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