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Package: Scheduling



SDESPROVSEARCH ;BAYPINES/KML,MGD,JAS - Get Provider based on Search String ;Apr 5, 2024

Source Information

Source file <SDESPROVSEARCH.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PROVIDERSEARCH(JSONRETURN,SEARCHSTRING) ;Search for Healthcare Providers and provide return of providers in JSON STRING
VALIDATEINPUT(ERRORLIST,SEARCHSTRING) ; validate incoming parameters
; input - ERRORLIST = passed in by reference, represents the errors that could be generated when validating the searchstring
; SEARCHSTRING = represents the name or partial name of the provider
; returns 0 or 1
; 0 = no validation errors
; 1 = validation errors
; input - USERLIST = list of USER names and internal entry numbers from NEW PERSON file (200)
; PROVIDERLIST = passed by reference, represents the screened list of actual providers that are active
; output - PROVIDERLIST = array of active providers
BUILDRETURN(PROVIDERLIST,PROVIDERETURN) ;Build return array with provider data
; input - PROVIDERLIST = array of active providers
; PROVIDERETURN = passed by reference, represents the array of providers and associated data that will be returned to the client
; output - PROVIDERETURN = provider array and their associated data to be sent back to the client
GETUSERLIST(SEARCHSTRING,USERLIST) ; pull matching providers using the first input parameter passed in by the RPC
; Input - SEARCHSTRING = string that represents the name of the person
; USERLIST = passed in by reference; represents the array that will be returned as output
; Output - USERLIST = list of USER names and internal entry numbers from NEW PERSON file (200)

Used in RPC

RPC Name Call Tags

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^VA(200 - [#200] FIND^DIC,  GETS^DIQ
200.05 GET1^DIQ
200.07 GET1^DIQ
Info |  Source |  Entry Points |  Used in RPC |  FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call