Data Dictionary for File #364.5 not installed.
Feb 27, 1998@16:36:37
Installing Data:
Feb 27, 1998@16:36:40
Running Post-Install Routine: ^IBYQNS
* DENTAL COVERAGE Insurance Rider (355.6) added
Install Started for IB*2.0*85 :
* DENTAL Plan Limitation Category (355.31) added
* MENTAL HEALTH Plan Limitation Category (355.31) added
* AVIATION TRIP INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* COINSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* DUAL COVERAGE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* HOSPITAL-MEDICAL INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* KEY-MAN HEALTH INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* MAJOR MEDICAL EXPENSE INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
Feb 27, 1998@16:36:34
* QUALIFIED IMPAIRMENT INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
* REGULAR MEDICAL EXPENSE INSURANCE Type of Plan (355.1) Inactivated
Updating Routine file...
Updating KIDS files...
IB*2.0*85 Installed.
Feb 27, 1998@16:36:40
Install Message sent #272
Installing Routines:
Feb 27, 1998@16:36:34
Installing Data Dictionaries: