This API was developed to extract all encounter data for a single encounter.
The data represents elements that are stored in the Visit file (9000010) and
other PCE files.
Parameter Description:
1. VISITIEN (required) This is a pointer to the Visit file
2. DONTKILL (optional) This determines whether or not the ^TMP
array will be killed. Enter 0 or "" (null) to kill
the array, and 1 to retain the array.
The data is stored in a ^TMP global array with subscripts denoting the
category of returned data. The data returned in the ^TMP global represents
data from one encounter. The structure of the returned ^TMP global is:
Global Root Temporary global file root: ^TMP
Subscript 1 String notation representing Package: "PXKENC"
Subscript 2 Job Number: $J
Subscript 3 Internal Entry Number of the Visit (IEN).
Subscript 4 String representing the Visit or V file data category:
"CPT" = V CPT (procedure) #9000010.18
"HF" = V Health Factors #9000010.23
"ICR" = V Imm Contra/Refusal #9000010.707
"IMM" = V Immunization #9000010.11
"PED" = V Patient Ed #9000010.16
"POV" = V POV (diagnosis) #9000010.07
"PRV" = V Provider #9000010.06
"SK" = V Skin Test #9000010.12
"TRT" = V Treatment #9000010.15
"VST" = Visit file #9000010
"XAM" = V Exam #9000010.13
"CSTP" = Visit file #9000010
This subscript contains child visits
used to store additional Stop Codes.
Subscript 5 Internal entry number of the entry in the file
represented in subscript #4
Subscript 6 Subscript or DD node on which the data is stored.
Every DD node is published whether or not there is any
data for that node. e.g. 0, 12, and 811
The DATA that exists to the right of the global node is a reflection of data
as it appears in the global node of the IEN of the file (noted in subscript
#5) and the NODE of that IEN (described in subscript #6).
Data Capture of Example output:
Included below is a capture of the ^TMP("PXKENC" global.
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,0) = 34510^1030^78^176^^^^^^^^^^^^1
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,1,0) = ^^1^1
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,1,1,0) = 16
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,12) = ^^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,0) = 9054^1030^78^177^^^^^^^^S
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,12) = ^^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,800) = 0
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,802) = 168
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,0) = 2569^1030^78^178^^^^^^^^P
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,800) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,811) = this is a comment
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,0) = 58^1030^78^S^A
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,0) = 108^1030^78^S
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,0) = 1^1030^78^D^3^2960328.182336
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,12) = ^58^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,0) = 162^1030^78^3^^175
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,12) = ^108^^58
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,0) = 2960321.1^2960326^V^^1030^660
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,11) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,21) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,150) = 1^^P
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,800) = 0
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,811) =
This API was developed to extract all encounter data for all encounters that
match the passed parameters. The data represents elements that are stored in
the Visit file (9000010) and other PCE files.
Parameter Description:
1. DFN: (required) Pointer to IHS/PATIENT file (9000001)
2. ENCDT: (required) Date/Time of encounter in Fileman format
3. HLOC: (required) Pointer to Hospital Location file (44)
Returned Value:
-2 If Called incorrectly
-1 If no encounter is found
>0 Visit file ien(s) separated by ^
The data is stored in a ^TMP global array with subscripts denoting the
category of returned data. The data returned in the ^TMP global represents
data from one encounter. The structure of the returned ^TMP global is:
Global Root Temporary global file root: ^TMP
Subscript 1 String notation representing Package: "PXKENC"
Subscript 2 Job Number: $J
Subscript 3 Internal Entry Number of the Visit (IEN).
Subscript 4 String representing the Visit or V file data category:
"CPT" = V CPT (procedure) #9000010.18
"HF" = V Health Factors #9000010.23
"ICR" = V Imm Contra/Refusal #9000010.707
"IMM" = V Immunization #9000010.11
"PED" = V Patient Ed #9000010.16
"POV" = V POV (diagnosis) #9000010.07
"PRV" = V Provider #9000010.06
"SK" = V Skin Test #9000010.12
"TRT" = V Treatment #9000010.15
"VST" = Visit file #9000010
"XAM" = V Exam #9000010.13
"CSTP" = Visit file #9000010
This subscript contains child visits
used to store additional Stop Codes.
Subscript 5 Internal entry number of the entry in the file
represented in subscript #4
Subscript 6 Subscript or DD node on which the data is stored.
Every DD node is published whether or not there is any
data for that node. e.g. 0, 12, and 811
The DATA that exists to the right of the global node is a reflection of data
as it appears in the global node of the IEN of the file (noted in subscript
#5) and the NODE of that IEN (described in subscript #6).
Data Capture of Example output:
Included below is a capture of ^TMP("PXKENC".
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,0) = 34510^1030^78^176^^^^^^^^^^^^1
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,1,0) = ^^1^1
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,1,1,0) = 16
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,12) = ^^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"CPT",135,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,0) = 9054^1030^78^177^^^^^^^^S
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,12) = ^^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,800) = 0
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,802) = 168
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",96,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,0) = 2569^1030^78^178^^^^^^^^P
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,800) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"POV",104,811) = this is a comment
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,0) = 58^1030^78^S^A
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",94,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,0) = 108^1030^78^S
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,12) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"PRV",114,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,0) = 1^1030^78^D^3^2960328.182336
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,12) = ^58^^108
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"SK",3,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,0) = 162^1030^78^3^^175
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,12) = ^108^^58
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,802) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"TRT",2,811) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,0) = 2960321.1^2960326^V^^1030^660
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,11) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,21) =
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,150) = 1^^P
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,800) = 0
^TMP("PXKENC",549479964,78,"VST",78,811) =
The ^TMP("PXKENC",$J) global may be killed before and/or after the call.