This file contains a list of patients to be called as part of the Pre-Registration process. *** NOTE *** This file SHOULD NOT be edited directly. Field values need to be entered by the background job, or the Add to Call List Option. Editing this file directly can result in erroneous data being displayed in the Call List.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter as First initial of Lastname and last four of SSN
This field is the first initial of the patients last name and the last four of the patients SSN. This field will normally be filled in by a background job. Entry appears in a List Manager screen.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the patients residence phone, or emergency contact phone.
DESCRIPTION: Telephone number at which patient will be called for the pre-registration process. If the patients has a residence phone number, the residence number is loaded. If there is no residence number on file, then the patients
Emergency Phone number is loaded. If there is no emergency phone number, then tbe string 'NO PHONE' is entered.
This field should be filled in by the background job that purges and adds new entries to this file.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the date the patient was last called.
Date/time field showing the date and time the last attempt was made to call this patient. This field is loaded from the PRE_REGISTRATION CALL LOG File, #41.43.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter 'Y' if the patient was called, otherwise enter 'N'.
DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether the patient was called or not. When 'Y'es, the patient has been called and his information updtaed. If 'N'o, then either the patient has not been reached, or he has been called, but his information was