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Info Desc Directly Accessed By Routines Accessed By FileMan Db Calls Pointer To FileMan Files Fields External References Global Variables Directly Accessed Local Variables
HELP-PROMPT: Field updated only by package, no user input.
This field represents patient name in Patient (2) file. The visit record in HBHC Visit (632) file is missing data. Field updated by package only, no user input.
1)= S ^HBHC(634.2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^HBHC(634.2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
This cross-reference represents regular 'B' file index of HBHC Visit Error(s) (634.2) file, Patient Name (.01) field, which references Patient (2) file entries.
HELP-PROMPT: Field updated only by package, no user input. Answer must be 1-245 characters in length.
This field represents fields to update (actually DR string supplied for DIE call) of visit data in HBHC Visit (632) file. Field allows for 1-245 characters of free text. Field updated by package only, no user input.
HELP-PROMPT: Field updated by package only, no user input.
DESCRIPTION: This field represents error message in HBHC Error Messages for Visits (633.1) file, of why records did not pass validity check for inclusion in HBHC Transmit file (634). Outpatient Encounter Pointer Missing & Visit File
Pointer Missing messages may need to be handled by IRM. All other errors should be resolvable by the user via data entry corrections based on error message text. Field updated by package only, no user input.
HELP-PROMPT: Answer is clinic that exists in Hospital Location file. Field updated by package only, no user input.
This field represents HBPC Clinic number in Hospital Location (44) file. Clinic must exist in Hospital Location file, since LAYGO is not allowed. Field updated by package only, no user input.