This is the Veterans Affairs site where this transaction will come to completion. It is the site that is ultimately responsible for the issue and payment for Home Oxygen devices.
Billing month in which patient transactions are generated in Home Oxygen for the purpose of reconciliation with contractors invoices and payment through IFCAP.
Cross-reference 'AC' Used to read by PROSTHETICSAPPLIANCE REPAIRThis cross reference is checked in three instances:1) to filter Home Oxygen transactions out of the list ofAppliance Transactions for a patient;2) to filter Home Oxygen transactions out of the list of HISAtransactions for a patient; and3) to ensure that only Home Oxygen transactions are includedin the list of Home Oxygen transactions for a patient.This check is in the following format:$D(^RMPO(665.72,"AC",IEN660)) or'$D(^RMPO(665.72,"AC",IEN660))where IEN660 is the IEN of the Record of Pros Appliance/Repair(#660).