This file contains the definitions for hard coded scheduling reports that are available to the user on a client workstation. These definitions are pre-determined and must not be modified unless explicitly instructed as part of a patch or module upgrade. The parameters specified in each report definition are used by the client application. The parameters indicate what prompts are presented to the user, which prompts are required as part report criteria. Also, where possible, a default value is specified that is used when first displaying the prompt.
This field indicates the report group associated with the report definition. The grouping will be used in future releases to help screen reports available to the user during report selection.
DESCRIPTION: This multiple contains the list of files that the user usually must select entries for as part of the report criteria.
Most reports require at least the selection of one entry from each file in the multiple. However, there is at least one report where only one selection is allowed for the file. Also, there is at least one report that does
not require any selection to be made if the user desires the report to search for null values.
The 'NUMBER OF SELECTIONS REQUIRED' (#.02) field indicates how many selections need to be made.