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Info Desc Directly Accessed By Routines Accessed By FileMan Db Calls Pointer To FileMan Files Fields External References Global Variables Directly Accessed Local Variables
This file is used by the Engineering package to store minimal information of file entries that have been modified and that need to be forwarded to Intelligent Insites (RTLS). Records added to this file will have a very short life while they wait for a queue process to send them to RTLS. The option 'VIAA MAKE WEB CALL TO MULE' has to be used to schedule a queue process that can run periodically via Task Manager at a time interval suitable to the site. Once a file entry is sent to RTLS, it is cleaned up immediately, so this file will stay empty most of the time as long as RTLS is on online. The information stored in this file will be used by a web service running in VistA that is capable of triggering a remote procedure call (RPC) back to VistA to extract additional information about the record that was changed. There is no direct user interaction with any of the fields in this file. The content is handled via triggers in the Engineering files being tracked. Initially files #6914 and #6928 are being tracked but other files could be added in the future if needed.
HELP-PROMPT: Date/time record was added to this file.
This is the date/time that the entry was created for a specific record change in a file. This field is not sent to RTLS but is available for troubleshooting in VistA.