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Registration : MailMan

Registration and MailMan Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Registration-->MailMan :

Total 130 routine(s) in Registration called total 9 routine(s) in MailMan
Total 0 Global(s) in Registration called total 0 routine(s) in MailMan
Total 0 Global(s) in Registration called total 0 Global(s) in MailMan
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Registration called total 0 routine(s) in MailMan
Total 32 routine(s) in Registration accessed total 5 global(s) in MailMan
Total 7 fileman file(s) in Registration pointed to total 3 fileman file(s) in MailMan
Total 13 routine(s) in Registration accessed via fileman db call to total 3 fileman file(s) in MailMan

Routines --> Routines

Caller Routines List in Registration : 130

DG1043P    DG17201    DG17204    DG488M    DG531012P    DG531086P    DG531093P    DG531111P    
DG53130P    DG53147P    DG53182P    DG53213P    DG53285M    DG53294E    DG53342P    DG53355A    
DG53367A    DG53401P    DG53467P    DG53514    DG53528P    DG53558M    DG53602S    DG53618M    
DG53632P    DG53653A    DG53658    DG53659M    DG53661P    DG53665O    DG53672D    DG53672R    
DG53688P    DG53695    DG53735P    DG53742    DG53800P    DG53807P    DG53829P    DG53869P    
DG53970P    DG53A564    DG53B563    DG53P379    DG53P423    DG53P597    DG53P624    DG53P733    
DG53P796    DG53P844    DG53P893    DG53P951    DG53S451    DG648PST    DG712PST    DG714    
DG737PST    DG837PST    DG876PST    DG884P    DG933PO    DG944PST    DG950PST    DG967PST    
DGEN339    DGEN408    DGEN408T    DGENA3    DGENEGT1    DGENQRY1    DGENUPL3    DGENUPL9    

Called Routines List in MailMan : 9


Routines --> Globals

Referred Routines List in Registration : 32

DG1010PA    DG53182P    DG53463    DG53P597    DG737PST    DG884P    DG933PO    DGAUDIT1    

Referenced Globals List in MailMan : 5

^DIC(4.2    ^XMB("NETNAME"    ^XMB(1    ^XMB(3.8    ^XMB(3.9    

FileMan Files --> FileMan Files

Referred FileMan Files List in Registration : 7

Referenced FileMan Files List in MailMan : 3

FileMan Db Call Routines --> FileMan Files

FileMan Db Call Routines List in Registration : 13

DG53140P    DG53209    DG53588P    DG53625P    DG53869P    DG884P    DGAUDIT    DGAUDIT3    

FileMan Db Call Accessed FileMan Files List in MailMan : 3

3.812    ^DIC(4.2    ^XMB(3.8    

MailMan-->Registration :

Total 0 routine(s) in MailMan called total 0 routine(s) in Registration
Total 0 Global(s) in MailMan called total 0 routine(s) in Registration
Total 0 Global(s) in MailMan called total 0 Global(s) in Registration
Total 0 Package Component(s) in MailMan called total 0 routine(s) in Registration
Total 0 routine(s) in MailMan accessed total 0 global(s) in Registration
Total 0 fileman file(s) in MailMan pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in Registration
Total 0 routine(s) in MailMan accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in Registration

Registration-->MailMan |  MailMan-->Registration  | All