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Record Tracking-->VA FileMan |  VA FileMan-->Record Tracking  | All
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Record Tracking : VA FileMan

Record Tracking and VA FileMan Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Record Tracking-->VA FileMan :

Total 107 routine(s) in Record Tracking called total 24 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 10 Global(s) in Record Tracking called total 5 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 3 Global(s) in Record Tracking called total 5 Global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 12 Package Component(s) in Record Tracking called total 1 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 70 routine(s) in Record Tracking accessed total 20 global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 2 fileman file(s) in Record Tracking pointed to total 1 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 routine(s) in Record Tracking accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan

Routines --> Routines

Caller Routines List in Record Tracking : 107

RT    RT200    RTB    RTB2    RTCC    RTCC1    RTCC2    RTCC3    
RTCC4    RTCH    RTCL    RTCM    RTCM1    RTCP    RTCP1    RTCP2    
RTCR    RTCR1    RTCR2    RTCS    RTCU    RTCU1    RTCU2    RTCU3    
RTCU4    RTCX    RTDEL    RTDPA    RTDPA1    RTDPA2    RTDPA3    RTDPA32    
RTFIX    RTL    RTL1    RTL2    RTL3    RTM    RTMAS    RTNQ    
RTNQ1    RTNQ2    RTNQ3    RTNQ4    RTNQ41    RTP    RTP1    RTP2    
RTP3    RTP31    RTP311    RTP32    RTP4    RTP40    RTP41    RTP5    
RTP51    RTP6    RTPCAN    RTPSET    RTPSET1    RTPURGE    RTQ    RTQ1    
RTQ2    RTQ3    RTQ4    RTQ41    RTQ5    RTRAD    RTREP    RTRPT    
RTRPT1    RTRPT2    RTRPT3    RTRPT4    RTRPT5    RTSM    RTSM1    RTSM2    
RTSM3    RTSM4    RTSM5    RTSM6    RTSM61    RTSM7    RTSM8    RTSM81    
RTSYS    RTT    RTT1    RTT11    RTT12    RTT2    RTT21    RTT4    
RTTR    RTTR1    RTTR11    RTTR2    RTUTL    RTUTL1    RTUTL2    RTUTL3    

Called Routines List in VA FileMan : 24

%DT    %DTC    %RCR    DIALOGU    DIC    DICN    DICRW    DIE    
DIE0    DIE17    DIE2    DIE3    DIEQ    DIEZ    DIK    DIO2    
DIP    DIQ    DIQ1    DIR    DIR2    DIWE    DIWP    DIWW    

Globals --> Routines

Caller Global List in Record Tracking : 10

^DIC(194.5    ^DIC(195.1    ^DIC(195.2    ^DIC(195.4    ^RTV(190.1    ^RTV(190.2    ^RTV(190.3    ^RTV(194.2    
^RTV(194.3    ^RTV(195.9    

Called Routines List in VA FileMan : 5

%DT    %DTC    DIC    DICR    DIM    

Globals --> Globals

Caller Global List in Record Tracking : 3

^DIC(195.4    ^RTV(190.1    ^RTV(195.9    

Called Globals List in VA FileMan : 5

^DD(    ^DD(190.1    ^DD(195.4    ^DD(195.9    ^DIC    

Package Components List --> Routines

Caller Package Components List in Record Tracking : 12

Called Routines in VA FileMan : 1


Routines --> Globals

Referred Routines List in Record Tracking : 70

RT    RT200    RTB    RTB2    RTCC    RTCC1    RTCC2    RTCC3    
RTCC4    RTCH    RTCL    RTCM    RTCM1    RTCP    RTCP1    RTCP2    
RTCR    RTCR1    RTCR2    RTCS    RTCU    RTCU1    RTCU2    RTCU3    
RTCU4    RTCX    RTDPA    RTDPA1    RTDPA2    RTDPA3    RTL    RTL3    
RTM    RTMAS    RTNQ    RTNQ1    RTNQ2    RTNQ4    RTP    RTP2    
RTP31    RTP41    RTP51    RTQ    RTQ2    RTQ41    RTRAD    RTRPT    
RTSM    RTSYS    RTT    RTT1    RTT12    RTT2    RTTR    RTUTL1    
RTUTL2    RTUTL3    RTUTL4    RTUTL5    RTXB    RTXB1    RTXB2    RTXB5    
RTXB6    RTXM    RTXP    RTXQ    RTXR    RTXR2    

Referenced Globals List in VA FileMan : 20

^DD(    ^DD("DD"    ^DD(190    ^DD(190.1    ^DD(190.2    ^DD(190.3    ^DD(194.2    ^DD(194.5    
^DD(195.1    ^DD(195.9    ^DD(195.9001    ^DIC    ^DIC(190    ^DIC(190.1    ^DIE    ^DIE("B"    
^DIPT(479    ^DIPT(482    ^DISV(    ^DOPT(    

FileMan Files --> FileMan Files

Referred FileMan Files List in Record Tracking : 2

Referenced FileMan Files List in VA FileMan : 1


VA FileMan-->Record Tracking :

Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 Global(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 Package Component(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed total 0 global(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in Record Tracking
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in Record Tracking

Record Tracking-->VA FileMan |  VA FileMan-->Record Tracking  | All