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Routine: GMRVPCE1

Package: General Medical Record - Vitals

Routine: GMRVPCE1


GMRVPCE1 ;HIRMFO/RM-PCE Interface code ;8/2/96

Source Information

Source file <GMRVPCE1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PCE(GMRVSTOR) ; Called from VALIDATE^GMRVPCE0 to validate vitals data, or
; STORE^GMRVPCE0 to store vitals data. The variable GMRVSTOR (req.)
; will determine if called from VALIDATE (0), or STORE (1).
; 08/15/2005 KAM/BAY 107096 added 'Q' for error handling
; 09/23/2005 KAM/BAY 113449 add check for invalid HOS/LOC type
ERROR(PROVIDER,I,CODE,VALUE) ; Given Provider IEN (PROVIDER), subentry (I),
; Error code (CODE) and Rejected value (VALUE), this procedure will
; set the GMRVDAT("ERROR") array with error.
ERRTXT ; Error messages and <NODE>/<PIECE> information for code passed.
DATA(VITALS) ; Process GMRVDAT("VITALS") node. Data in in variable VITALS.
; Present but not passed are GMRVPROV=Provider IEN, GMRVX=subentry
; for GMRVPROV and GMRVSTOR=$S(1:Store data,0:Validate Data).
DUPCHK ; This procedure checks for duplicate data. If data is being
; validated, a warning message will be sent, if data is being stored,
; the old record that is duplicate will be entered in error and the
; new data filed.

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

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^SC - [#44] GET1^DIQ
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