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Routine: HLEVMST

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLEVMST


HLEVMST ;O-OIFO/LJA - Event Monitor MASTER JOB ;02/04/2004 14:42

Source Information

Source file <HLEVMST.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MSTENV ; Display environment to user...
CHECKMST ; Called from outside Event Monitoring, from the Link Manager,
; to see if the master job needs to be started. (See ^HLCSLM.)
; When the Link Manager calls here, two actions potentially occur:
TIMECHK() ; Every loop in the Link Manager code in HLCSLM results in one
; call being made to CHECKMST^HLEVMST. The CHECKMST subroutine in turn
; calls here to ensure that the Event Monitor's master job is running
; properly. However, the CHECKMST subroutine should be run by HLCSLM
; only once every four hours. The code in this subroutine uses
; HLEVLCHK(#) variables to ensure that this every four hour rule is
; followed. (HLEVLCHK is newed at the top of HLCSLM.)
STARTJOB ; Start a new job with optional display to screen...
MASTER ; Whenever a master job starts, here's where it's queued...
; HLEVIENM - req
NEWMSTR(FUTURE,SILENT) ; Create a new master job...
; If FUTURE=0, then master job will be queued for NOW...
; If FUTURE=1, then master job will be q'd for CUTMIN in future...
UPDFLDM(HLEVIENM,FLD,VAL) ; Update a specific piece in 776.2...
STAMPM(HLEVIENM) ; Update TIMESTAMP field in event..
PURGEM(HLEVIENM) ; Purge master job entries...
CHKMLT(HLTSK,HLNWIEN) ;Check if multiple Master Jobs running; remove duplicate jobs - HL*1.6*173
EOR ;HLEVMST - Event Monitor MASTER JOB ;5/16/03 14:42

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,TXT,!
  • Line Location: SHOWQUIT+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"New master job queued to task# ",+JOBS,"..."
  • Line Location: STARTJOB+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Entry #",$P(JOBS,U,2)," created in HL7 Monitor Master Job file..."
  • Line Location: STARTJOB+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Exiting! Master job not started. Parameter turned off..."
  • Line Location: NEWMSTR+13
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Exiting! Master job not started. Stub record creation failed..."
  • Line Location: NEWMSTR+21
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Master job created. Task# ",ZTSK,", and Event# ",HLEVIENM,"..."
  • Line Location: NEWMSTR+41

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^HLEV(776.2 - [#776.2] Classic Fileman Calls,  GET1^DIQ
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