LA7VORC ;DALOI/JMC - LAB ORC Segment message builder ;08/20/15 17:26
Source file <LA7VORC.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ORC1(LA7TYP) | ; Build ORC-1 sequence - Order control
; Call with LA7TYP = order type from table 0119 |
ORC2(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-2 sequence - Placer order number
; Call with LA7VAL = accession number/UID ; LA7VAL("NMSP") = application namespace (optional) ; LA7VAL("SITE") = placer facility ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC3(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-3 sequence - Filler order number
; Call with LA7VAL = accession number/UID ; LA7VAL("NMSP") = application namespace (optional) ; LA7VAL("SITE") = placer facility ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC4(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-4 sequence - Placer group number
; Call with LA7VAL = LEDI - shipping manifest number ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; Returns ORD-4 sequence |
ORC5(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-5 sequence - Order status
; Call with LA7VAL = order status ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; Returns ORC-5 sequence |
ORC7(LA7DUR,LA7DURU,LA76205,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-7 sequence - Quantity/Timing
; Call with LA7DUR = collection duration ; LA7DURU = duration units (pointer to #64.061) ; LA76205 = test urgency ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC9(LA7DT) | ; Build ORC-9 sequence - date/time of transaction
; Call with LA7DT = order date/time |
ORC12(LA7DUZ,LA7DIV,LA7FS,LA7ECH,LA7IDTYP) | ; Build ORC-12 sequence - Ordering provider
; Call with LA7DUZ = DUZ of ordering provider ; LA7DIV = Facility (division) of provider ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; LA7IDTYP = id type to return (0:DUZ 1:VPID 2:NPI) |
ORC13(LA7J,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-13 sequence - Enterer's location
; Call with LA7J = variable pointer to file #4 or #44 ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC14(LA7200,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-14 sequence - Order Callback Phone Number ;**88
; Call with LA7200 = ien of provider in file #200 ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC17(LA74,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-17 sequence - Entering organization
; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC21(LA74,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-21 sequence - Ordering facility name
; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC22(LA74,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-22 sequence - Ordering facility address
; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC23(LA74,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-23 sequence - Ordering facility phone number
; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
ORC24(LA7200,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) | ; Build ORC-24 sequence - Ordering provider address
; Call with LA7200 = ien of provider in file #200 ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
$$GET1^DIQ | ORC7+13, ORC7+17, ORC13+14, ORC13+21, ORC13+23 |
$$FACDNS^LA7VHLU2 | ORC2+12, ORC3+12, ORC13+28 |
$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3 | ORC2+9, ORC3+9, ORC4+8, ORC7+14, ORC7+18, ORC13+22 |
$$INST^LA7VHLU4 | ORC13+30, ORC17+8 |
$$XAD^LA7VHLU4 | ORC22+9 |
$$XON^LA7VHLU4 | ORC21+7 |
$$XCN^LA7VHLU9 | ORC12+11 |
$$XTN^LA7VHLU9 | ORC14+14 |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^SC - [#44] | GET1^DIQ |
^LAB(62.05 - [#62.05] | GET1^DIQ |
^LAB(64.061 - [#64.061] | GET1^DIQ |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
LA7200 | ORC14~, ORC14+14, ORC24~ |
LA74 | ORC13+7~, ORC13+9*, ORC13+14*, ORC13+17*, ORC13+27, ORC13+28, ORC13+30, ORC17~, ORC17+8, ORC21~ , ORC21+7, ORC22~, ORC22+9, ORC23~ |
LA744 | ORC13+7~, ORC13+9*, ORC13+13*, ORC13+14, ORC13+20, ORC13+21, ORC13+23 |
LA76205 | ORC7~, ORC7+16, ORC7+17 |
LA7DIV | ORC12~, ORC12+11 |
LA7DT | ORC9~, ORC9+5*, ORC9+6, ORC14~, ORC14+14, ORC22~, ORC22+9, ORC23~, ORC24~ |
LA7DUR | ORC7~, ORC7+12, ORC7+14 |
LA7DURU | ORC7~, ORC7+12, ORC7+13 |
LA7DUZ | ORC12~, ORC12+11 |
LA7ECH | ORC2~, ORC2+9, ORC2+10, ORC2+12, ORC2+13, ORC2+14, ORC3~, ORC3+9, ORC3+10, ORC3+12 , ORC3+13, ORC3+14, ORC4~, ORC4+8, ORC5~, ORC7~, ORC7+14, ORC7+18, ORC12~, ORC12+11 , ORC13~, ORC13+22, ORC13+24, ORC13+28, ORC13+29, ORC13+30, ORC13+31, ORC13+32, ORC14~, ORC14+14 , ORC17~, ORC17+8, ORC21~, ORC21+7, ORC22~, ORC22+9, ORC23~, ORC24~ |
LA7ERR | ORC14+8~, ORC14+10 |
LA7FLDSEQ | ORC14+8~, ORC14+11*, ORC14+12*, ORC14+14 |
LA7FS | ORC2~, ORC2+9, ORC2+12, ORC3~, ORC3+9, ORC3+12, ORC4~, ORC4+8, ORC5~, ORC7~ , ORC7+14, ORC7+18, ORC12~, ORC12+11, ORC13~, ORC13+22, ORC13+28, ORC13+30, ORC14~, ORC14+14 , ORC17~, ORC17+8, ORC21~, ORC21+7, ORC22~, ORC22+9, ORC23~, ORC24~ |
LA7IDTYP | ORC12~, ORC12+10*, ORC12+11 |
LA7J | ORC13~, ORC13+12, ORC13+13, ORC13+17 |
LA7TYP | ORC1~, ORC1+3 |
LA7VAL | ORC2~, ORC2+9, ORC3~, ORC3+9, ORC4~, ORC4+8, ORC5~, ORC5+8 |
LA7VAL("NMSP" | ORC2+10, ORC3+10 |
LA7VAL("SITE" | ORC2+11, ORC2+12, ORC3+11, ORC3+12 |
LA7X | ORC2+7~, ORC2+12*, ORC2+13, ORC2+14, ORC3+7~, ORC3+12*, ORC3+13, ORC3+14, ORC7+9~, ORC7+13* , ORC7+14, ORC7+17*, ORC7+18, ORC13+7~, ORC14+8~, ORC14+10 |
LA7X( | ORC14+12 |
LA7Y | ORC2+7~, ORC2+9*, ORC2+10*, ORC2+13*, ORC2+14*, ORC2+15, ORC3+7~, ORC3+9*, ORC3+10*, ORC3+13* , ORC3+14*, ORC3+16, ORC4+6~, ORC4+8*, ORC4+10, ORC5+6~, ORC5+8*, ORC5+10, ORC7+9~, ORC7+10* , ORC7+14*, ORC7+18*, ORC7+20, ORC13+7~, ORC13+9*, ORC13+22*, ORC13+24*, ORC13+29*, ORC13+32*, ORC13+34 , ORC14+8~, ORC14+11*, ORC14+12*, ORC23+9~, ORC23+11*, ORC23+13, ORC24+8~, ORC24+10*, ORC24+12 |
LA7Z | ORC13+7~, ORC13+21*, ORC13+22, ORC13+23*, ORC13+24, ORC13+28*, ORC13+29, ORC13+30*, ORC13+31*, ORC13+32 |
X | ORC14+8~ |
Y | ORC14+8~ |