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Routine: PRCAP269

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: PRCAP269


PRCAP269 ;ALB/PJH - PRCA*4.5*269 POST INSTALL ; 3/9/11 12:50pm

Source Information

Source file <PRCAP269.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
POST ;Called from PRCA*4.5*269 patch install
MAIL ;Installer mail message
MAILCBO ;CBO notification mail message
MOVEEFT ;Move existing EFT (File #344.31) field to new global node
MOVEERA ;Move existing ERA (File #344.4) field to new global node
MOVEERA1 ;Move existing ERA (File #344.41) field to new global node
MOVEERA2 ;Move existing ERA (File #344.42) field to new global node

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^RCY(344.31 - [#344.31] DELIX^DDMOD
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] DELIX^DDMOD
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