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Package: Pharmacy Data Management



PSSDSAPM ;BIR/RTR-Dose Check utilities routine ;09/13/10

Source Information

Source file <PSSDSAPM.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
  • ICR #5570
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Controlled Subscription
    DREX() ;Quit if drug is exempt from order check
    EMS() ;Sets piece 5 of output to 1 if CPRS needs to show error message and not do Dose check
    EMSX() ;Sets piece 5 of output to 1 if no active drugs are tied to the orderable Item
    APP ;
    GCN() ;Returns drug matching information
    MLT ;Multi Ingredient check called from PSSDSAPD
    MLTS ;
    MLTNO ;
    MLTNP ;
    FDRUG ; Find drug, called from PSSDSAPD
    INERR ;Set OI error
    FRQE ;Set Frequency error called from PSSDSAPD
    INFUE ;Set Infusion rate error from PSSDSAPD
    ERST ;Set Dosing Sequences into error summary list
    PAT ;
    ADDCT ;Add counter to output globals so data appears in correct order for more than 9 Dosing Sequences
    ADDCTA ;Add counter to CPRS global
    ADDCTB ;Add counter to Pharmacy global
    DSP(PSSDBDS,PSSDBFDB) ;Return Dose and Dose Unit to Inpatient for complex order display
    DSPRT ;Line Tag added for retry if Free Text Dosage contains parenthesis
    DSPL ;Add leading zero
    NXDRUG ;No Drug found
    STDB ;Set PSSDBCAR array for Input Exceptions
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