RCBDFST1 ;WISC/RFJ-patient statement utilities continued ;1 Dec 00
Source file <RCBDFST1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CHEKACCT(RCDEBTDA) | ; check to see if a debtor is in balance
; returns null if in balance, or the calculated statement ; if out of balance ; returns rcbilbal,rcevent,rcnewact,rcstate,rclastev ; returns ^tmp("rcbdfst1",$j ... (see NEWTRANS below) |
BILLBAL(DEBTDA) | ; get the bill balances for a debtor
; returns array RCBILBAL("PB")=principal balance ; RCBILBAL("IN")=interest balance ; RCBILBAL("AD")=admin balance ; RCBILBAL("MF")=marshal fee balance ; RCBILBAL("CC")=court cost balance ; RCBILBAL =total balance |
NEWTRANS(DEBTDA,BEGDATE,ENDDATE) | ; get new transaction activity between dates
; returns global array ; tmp("rcbdfst1",$j,account,transactiondate,bill,transaction)=value ; where ; value = ^ prin ^ int ^ admin ^ mf ^ cc |
LASTEVNT(DEBTDA) | ; get last type of event for debtor patient statement (2)
EVENTBAL(EVENTDA) | ; get the last statement balance
; returns array RCEVENT("PB")=principal balance ; RCEVENT("IN")=interest balance ; RCEVENT("AD")=admin balance ; RCEVENT("MF")=marshal fee balance ; RCEVENT("CC")=court cost balance ; RCEVENT =total balance |