RCDPESR1 ;ALB/TMP - Server interface to AR from Austin ;Jun 06, 2014@19:11:19
Source file <RCDPESR1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PERROR(RCERR,RCEMG,RCXMZ) | ; Process Errors - Send bulletin to mail group
; RCERR = Error text array ; RCEMG = name of the mail group to which these errors should be sent ; RCXMZ = internal entry # of the mailman msg ; RCTYPE = msg type, if known |
OUTMSG(RCERR,RCXMZ) | ; Build message to send to Outlook address
; PRCA*4.5*349 - New subroutine ; RCERR = Error text array ; RCXMZ = internal entry # of the mailman msg |
OUTERA(RAW,CT,RCMTXT) | ; Format ERA/EEOB for Outlook message
; PRCA*4.5*349 - New Subroutine ; RAW - Points to raw data from the message ; CT - (Passed by Reference) Current message text line count ; RCMTXT - Pointer to message text array |
OUTEFT(RAW,CT,RCMTXT) | ; Format EFT for Outlook message
; PRCA*4.5*349 - New Subroutine ; RAW - Points to raw data from the message ; CT - (Passed by Reference) Current message text line count ; RCMTXT - Pointer to message text array |
EMFORM(CT,RCERR,RCXM,RCXMZ) | ; Format error msgs
; INPUT: ; CT = # of lines previously populated in error msg ; RCERR = array of errors ; RCXMZ = internal entry # of mailman msg |
MASKPII(X) | ; Return a "05" field with PII masked for sending errors
; PRCA*4.5*349 - Subroutine added |
EXTERR(RCERR,RCE) | ; Put error into error array
; Returns: (must be passed by reference) ; RCERR = specific error encountered, returned as 4 ; RCE = error text from the word processing field update error global |
ERRUPD(RCGBL,RCD,RCTYPE,RCERR) | ; Set up global array to hold msg data
; RCGBL = name of the global or array where msg data is found ; RCD = array containing mail header data for the msg ; RCTYPE = type of msg (835ERA/835XFR/etc) ; RCERR = error array - text or reference to error tables below |
DKILL(RCXMZ) | ; Delete server mail msg from postmaster mailbox
; RCXMZ = ien of mailman msg |
TEMPDEL(DA) | ; Delete msg from temporary msg file
; DA = ien of the entry in file 344.5 |
RESTMSG(RCD,RCARRAY,XMZ) | ; Read rest of msg, store in array
; RCD = last line # already in the msg ; RCARRAY = name of the array to store the data in ; XMZ = ien of the mailman msg |
TAXERR(RCTYPE,RCINS,RCTID,RCCHG) | ; Send a bulletin for a bad tax id
; RCTYPE = "ERA" for an ERA record, "EFT" for an EFT record ; RCINS = name and id to identify the ins co ; RCTID = tax id sent in error ; RCCHG = code describing how correction was made ; 'E'=EPHRA, 'C'=Changed by looking at claim #'s |
BILL(X,RCDT,RCIB) | ; Returns ien of bill in X or -1 if not valid
; RCDT = the Statement from date (used for Rx bills) ; and, if passed by reference, RCIB = 1 if an insurance bill |
FMDT(X) | ; Format date (X) in YYYYMMDD to Fileman format
ERROR | ; Top level error msgs for msgs
ERROR2 | ; Error condition msgs for msgs
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCY(344.5 - [#344.5] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^PRCA(430 - [#430] | Classic Fileman Calls |