RCDPESR5 ;ALB/TMK,DWA - Server interface 835XFR processing ;10/01/02
Source file <RCDPESR5.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
XFR(RCTDA,RCFROM,RCMSG,RCD) | ; Send bulletin, update 344.5 for transfer EOB into site
; RCTDA = ien in file 344.5 being updated ; RCFROM = the sender's mail address from the mail message ; RCMSG = message # the data was received in ; RCD = array containing formatted header data |
SENDACK(RCTDA,RCSTAT) | ; Send accept/reject msg to transf 'from' site
; RCTDA = ien of entry file 344.5 ; RCSTAT = flag to indicate what happened ; values: "" = receipt 1 = accepted 0 = rejected |
FILEEOB(RCTDA) | ; Files trans-in EOB in IB
BULL1(RCTDA,RCERR,DUP) | ; Send bulletin for EDI Lockbox EOB exceptions
; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.5 ; RCERR = the name of the error global ; DUP = ien of existing entry in file 344.4 if ERA is duplicate |
BULL2(RCTDA,RCERR,RCXMG) | ; Send bulletin for EOB transfer received at site
; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.5 ; RCXMG = incoming message # ; RCERR = the name of the error global |
DISP1(RCCT,RCNOH) | ; Extract formatted EOB detail for bill
; RCCT = bill seq# within ERA transmission ; RCNOH = 1 if no header text needed on 05 rec |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] | GETS^DIQ |
^RCY(344.5 - [#344.5] | Classic Fileman Calls |