RCDPESR6 ;ALB/TMK/DWA - Server auto-update file 344.4 - EDI Lockbox ;20 Dec 2018 14:47:23
Source file <RCDPESR6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
UPD3444(RCRTOT) | ; Add EOB detail to list in 344.41 for file 344.4 entry RCRTOT
; If passed by reference, RCRTOT is returned = "" if errors |
ERATOT(RC3445DA,RCERR) | ;function, File ERA TOTAL rec in 344.4 from entry RC3445DA in 344.5
; RC3445DA = ien file 344.5 ; Returns: NEW ien file 344.4 ; RCERR if passed by reference, with error text ; RCERR(1)=duplicated message |
ERATOTQ | ; GOTO here or fall through
UPDCON(RCRTOT) | ; Add contact information to file 344.4 for an ERA
UPDADJ(RCRTOT) | ; Add ERA level adj data to file 344.4
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] | Classic Fileman Calls |
344.41 | WP^DIE |
^RCY(344.5 - [#344.5] | GET1^DIQ |