;Get Historical Procedures Document Class IEN (under Class CLINICAL PROCEDURES) in TIU DDEF file (#8925.1)
; -- P182
; Input -- None
; Output -- TIU Document Definition file (#8925.1) IEN
; Is action allowed (not prohibited outright) for HP docmts
; Returns 1 if action allowed (not prohibited outright)
; 0^WHYNOT if action not allowed (prohibited outright)
; Requires TIUACT=IEN in USR ACTION file
;RPC that serves data to a longlist of selectable Titles
; Input -- FROM Reference Title from which the longlist is
; scrolling
; DIR Direction from which the longlist is scrolling
; from the reference Title (Optional- default 1)
; Output -- Y An array of the 44 nearest Titles to that indicated
; by the user in the direction passed by the longlist
; component