This file contains a list of Patient Record Flag assignments. Use the Record Flag Assignment [DGPF RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENT] option to create/edit entries in this file. Records in this file should not be added or edited except through the use of the Patient Record Flag software that is part of Registration. Doing so would likely cause Patient Record Flag database corruption.
This field contains the Patient Record Flag Name that is assigned to a patient.
This field contains the Patient Record Flag Name that is assigned to a patient as a variable pointer field that will either reference the PRF NATIONAL FLAG file (#26.15) or the PRF LOCAL FLAG file (#26.11).
RECORD INDEXES: AFLAG (#259), ANDAT (#261), ASTAT (#262), C (#263)
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the site that owns this record flag assignment.
This field contains the current site that owns this patient flag assignment. Patient assignments may only be edited by the owner site. The owner site normally corresponds to the site providing primary care to the patient.
TECHNICAL DESCR: This field contains a pointer to the INSTITUTION file (#4) of the current site that owns this patient flag assignment. Patient assignments may only be edited by the owner site. The owner site normally corresponds to the
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the site that initially made the record flag assignment.
This field contains the site that initially assigned the patient record flag to this patient. The site that assigns the flag is not required to be the owner of the assignment.
This field contains a pointer to the INSTITUTION FILE (#4) of the site that first entered the flag on this patient.
DESCRIPTION: This word processing field contains the patient record flag assignment narrative text. The assignment narrative text is a description of the incident or reason that generated the need for this patient record flag
assignment. The description is followed by recommended actions that should be performed by a person working with this specific patient.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the narrative text for the record flag assignment.
DESCRIPTION: This word field contains the patient record flag assignment narrative text. The assignment narrative text is a description of the incident or reason that generated the need for this patient record flag assignment. The
description is followed by recommended actions that should be performed by a person working with this specific patient.
This multiple will allow the documentation of the identifiers recorded in the Disruptive Behavior Record System (DBRS). One can also associate a brief description for each DBRS number.