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Routine: HLCSTCP

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLCSTCP



Source Information

Source file <HLCSTCP.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SERVER(HLDP) ; single server using Taskman
SERVERS(HLDP) ; Multi-threaded server using Taskman
MSM ;MSM entry point, called from User-Defined Services
DCOPEN(HLDP) ;open direct connect - called from HLMA2
INIT() ; Initialize Variables
; HLDP should be set to the IEN or name of Logical Link, file 870
; patch HL*1.6*157
; S HLOS=$P($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),"^")
ST1 ;record startup in 870 for single server
MON(Y) ;Display current state & check for shutdown
UPDT(Y) ;update job count for multiple servers,X=1 increment
STOP() ;stop flag set
LLCNT(DP,Y,Z) ;update Logical Link counters
SDFLD ; set Shutdown? field to yes
EXITS(Y) ; shutdown and clean up the listener process for either
; single-threaded or multi-threaded
EXITM ;Multiple service shutdown and clean up
; shutdown and clean up a connection spawned by the listener
; process for a multi-threaded listener

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"IN State: ",Y
  • Line Location: MON+9

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^HLCS(870 - [#870] GETS^DIQ
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