RCDPEDA4 ;AITC/DW - ACTIVITY REPORT ;Feb 17, 2017@10:37:00
Source file <RCDPEDA4.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; Display any EFT error messages ; Input: INPUT - See EFTERRS for details ; IEN3443 - Internal IEN for file 344.3 ; ^TMP($J,"DEPERRS") - Current Line Count ; Note: Only passed if not in detail mode ; ^TMP($J,"DEPERRS,X) - Error line(s) ; Output: ^TMP($J,"DEPERRS") - Current Line Count ; Note: Only passed if not in detail mode |
; Output any EFT Detail errors ; Input: INPUT - A1^A2^A3^...^An Where: ; A1 - 1 if called from Nightly Process, 0 otherwise ; A2 - 1 if displaying to Listman, 0 otherwise ; A3 - 1 if Detail report, 0 if summary report ; A4 - Current Page Number ; A5 - Stop Flag ; A6 - Start of Date Range ; A7 - End of Date Range ; A8 - Current Line Counter ; A9 - Internal Date being processed ; A10- 1 - Only Display EFTs with a debit flag of 'D' ; 0 - Display all EFTs ; IEN34431 - Internal IEN for file 344.31 ; EFTCTR - Used to store lines for EFT ; ^TMP($J,ONEDEP,0,1) - Deposit Detail line ; ^TMP($J,ONEDEP,EFTCTR) - Current # of lines for EFT ; ^TMP($J,ONEDEP,EFTCTR,xx)- EFT Deposit Lines ; Output ^TMP($J,ONEDEP,EFTCTR) - Updated # of lines for EFT ; ^TMP($J,ONEDEP,EFTCTR,xx)- Updated EFT Deposit Lines |
; ListMan report heading ; Input: RCDET - 1 to display detail, 0 otherwise ; RCNJ - Set 1, indicates report was called from the nightly ; process OR displaying to listman. Used to set lines ; into a ^TMP array instead of displaying them. ; RCDT1 - Internal Start Date of date range ; RCDT2 - Internal End Date of date range ; DONLY - 1 - Only EFTs with debits, 0 - display all EFTs ; RCNP - Payer Selection flag A1^A2^A3 Where: ; A1 - 1 - Range,2 - All,3 -Specific ; A2 - From Payer text (only set if A1=1) ; A3 - Through text (only set if A1=1) ; ^TMP("RCSELPAY",$J,B1) - Selected payers to be displayed ; Output: RCHDR - Array of listman header lines ; RCSTOP - 1 if user stopped |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RCY(344 - [#344] | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344.3 - [#344.3] | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344.31 - [#344.31] | GET1^DIQ |
^RCY(344.4 - [#344.4] | GET1^DIQ |
344.48 | GET1^DIQ |
^DG(40.8 - [#40.8] | GET1^DIQ |