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Routine: RCRPNP

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: RCRPNP



Source Information

Source file <RCRPNP.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MAIN ; Entry Point for the nightly process
UPDSTAT ;Review all active plans to determine their current status.
ADDBILLS ;Review a debtor and all non referred, Active bills to the plan.
UPDCS ;Review all bills for the Debtor to see if any are still in Cross Service Debt Referral
UPDPRDL(RCIEN,RCFLG) ; Update the Print Deliquent Flag
UPDPRDF(RCIEN,RCFLG) ; Update the Print Default flag
FIRSTPAR(RCBILLDA) ; Check to see if the AR Category is a First Party AR Category.
BLDSTARY() ;Build a ^TMP array to define the field to store any status movement metrics in file #340.7

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^RCD(340 - [#340] GET1^DIQ
^RCRP(340.5 - [#340.5] Classic Fileman Calls,  GET1^DIQ
^PRCA(430 - [#430] GET1^DIQ
^PRCA(430.2 - [#430.2] GET1^DIQ
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