This file contains the various IIV statuses for entries in the Insurance Buffer. Also included are the symbols that should appear in the IIV status column in the Insurance Buffer list, and a more detailed description of the status that is used in the Expand Entry option in the Insurance Buffer. Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 2-5 characters in length
DESCRIPTION: This is the internal representation of a given IIV status which may be found in the Insurance Buffer application. This code takes into account that although several IIV statuses may use the same symbol in the IIV status
column in the Insurance Buffer list, each IIV status may have a different meaning.
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>126)!(X<32)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
HELP-PROMPT: Type a Number between 32 and 126, 0 Decimal Digits
DESCRIPTION: This field is the ASCII number representation for the character which should be displayed in the IIV status column in the insurance buffer list for this entry. The ASCII value is being stored instead of the character
itself because of the issues involved with storing the "?" character as a valid symbol.
HELP-PROMPT: Can the Expand Entry action overwrite this IIV status?
DESCRIPTION: This field will determine whether or not the IIV status associated with a buffer entry may get overwritten by the Expand Entry action in the Insurance Buffer application. Some IIV statuses should stay as they are and not
get updated by Expand Entry and other symbols should get updated, so the user knows the current status of the buffer entry with regard to the IIV process.
This is the set of steps a user needs to follow in order to resolve this IIV problem that is displayed on the Expand Entry screen in the Insurance Buffer.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the steps to follow to correct this issue in order to electronically confirm this insurance policy using IIV.
This is the set of steps a user needs to follow in order to resolve this IIV problem that is displayed on the Expand Entry screen in the Insurance Buffer.