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Automated Lab Instruments-->VA FileMan |  VA FileMan-->Automated Lab Instruments  | All
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Automated Lab Instruments : VA FileMan

Automated Lab Instruments and VA FileMan Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Automated Lab Instruments-->VA FileMan :

Total 167 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments called total 24 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 4 Global(s) in Automated Lab Instruments called total 6 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 Global(s) in Automated Lab Instruments called total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Automated Lab Instruments called total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 18 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments accessed total 13 global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 fileman file(s) in Automated Lab Instruments pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan

Routines --> Routines

Caller Routines List in Automated Lab Instruments : 167

LA27    LA66    LA68    LA74    LA7ADL    LA7ADL1    LA7ADL2    LA7ADLS    
LA7HDR1    LA7HL7    LA7HLP    LA7LOG    LA7PCFG    LA7POST    LA7PURG    LA7QRY    
LA7QRY1    LA7SBCR    LA7SBCR1    LA7SBCR2    LA7SCE    LA7SM    LA7SM1    LA7SM2    
LA7SM2A    LA7SMA    LA7SMB    LA7SMB1    LA7SMP    LA7SMP0    LA7SMPXL    LA7SMU    
LA7SMU1    LA7SMU2    LA7SMU2A    LA7SRPT1    LA7SRPT2    LA7SRPT3    LA7SRR    LA7SSR    
LA7VHLUA    LA7VIN    LA7VIN1    LA7VIN1A    LA7VIN1B    LA7VIN2A    LA7VIN3    LA7VIN4    
LA7VIN5    LA7VIN5A    LA7VIN5B    LA7VIN7    LA7VIN71    LA7VIN7A    LA7VIN7B    LA7VIN7C    
LA7VSTP    LA7VSTP1    LA7XREF    LA80    LA81PRE    LA88    LA90A    LABCX4XX    

Called Routines List in VA FileMan : 24

%DT    %DTC    %RCR    DDBR    DDBRT    DDIOL    DDMOD    DIALOG    
DIC    DIC1    DICD    DICN    DICRW    DID    DIE    DIK    
DILF    DILFD    DIP    DIQ    DIR    DIU2    DIWP    DIWW    

Globals --> Routines

Caller Global List in Automated Lab Instruments : 4

^LAHM(62.48    ^LAHM(62.485    ^LAHM(62.49    ^LAHM(62.85    

Called Routines List in VA FileMan : 6

%DT    DDIOL    DIC    DILFD    DIM    DIQ    

Routines --> Globals

Referred Routines List in Automated Lab Instruments : 18

LA74    LA7UTIL    LA7VLL    LA7VOBX4    LA7VORR1    LA7VSET    LA7VSTP    LA7VSTP1    

Referenced Globals List in VA FileMan : 13

^DD(    ^DD("DD"    ^DD("SITE"    ^DD(101    ^DD(3.8    ^DD(61.382    ^DD(62.4    ^DD(62.41    
^DD(62.47    ^DD(62.48    ^DD(63.04    ^DD(63.31    ^DIC    

VA FileMan-->Automated Lab Instruments :

Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 Global(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 Package Component(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed total 0 global(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in Automated Lab Instruments
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in Automated Lab Instruments

Automated Lab Instruments-->VA FileMan |  VA FileMan-->Automated Lab Instruments  | All